What Does “Added By Search” Mean On Snapchat?

What Does “Added By Search” Mean On Snapchat

Snapchat is a fun way to connect with friends through photos and videos. When I first started using the app, I would sometimes see “Added by search” next to people’s names after they added me. I wasn’t sure how we were connecting on the platform or what exactly that label meant.

If your Snapchat profile says “Added by search” next to someone’s name, they put in your name or a random username to find you through Snapchat’s search function rather than searching for their username. Or chances are, they found you on Snapchat’s Quick Add section, which displays users added by search recently.

In this article, I will explain what “Added by search” actually means on Snapchat and how users can connect through the app’s discovery tools. My initial experiences show it’s not always intuitive, so understanding the terminology Snapchat uses provides helpful context.

What Does “Added By Search” Mean On Snapchat?

When you see “Added by search” next to someone’s name on Snapchat, it signifies that they discovered your profile by actively looking for you on the app rather than you searching for them first.

They could have typed your username directly into the Snapchat search bar in an attempt to connect or perhaps found your suggested profile in the “Quick Add” section, which displays other accounts in your region or friend circle that Snapchat thinks you may want to interact with.

On a few occasions, I’ve accepted adds from classmates I came across this way, opening the door to casual Snapchat conversations I otherwise may not have had. In any case, “Added by search” is Snapchat’s way of indicating the add was initiated through general platform exploration, not a direct username search.”

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What’s the Difference Between Added By Search and Added By Username?

On Snapchat, “Added by search” means that they searched for your name manually or randomly found you by search. On the other hand, “Added by username” means that they added you by particularly searching for your username on the search bar.

At first glance, you might not notice much difference, and yes, they are nearly the same. But if you observe closely, you’ll notice that “Added by username” is more specific than “Added by search.”

If you are still a little confused, let me make it clear to you with an example. Suppose your name is John, and people either added you by searching for your name ‘John’ or found you randomly while searching for another ‘John,’ it displays “Added by search.”

If it shows “Added by username,” they searched for your full username, like “John55.” Your username is unique, while different people can have the same name as you.

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Can You Tell If Someone Searches You On Snapchat?

No, there are no options to tell if someone is searching for you on Snapchat.

But besides that, there are various other privacy tracking features on Snapchat. Some of these include notifying you when someone screenshots your story, chat, and snap map.

Along with this, Snapchat shows how someone added you to Snapchat. You can also see how many people viewed your Snapchat story and if someone screenshotted it. You will also know if someone checks your location directly through Snap Map. Don’t know I’m here for you if you don’t know how to get to Snap Maps. You might want to learn about how to put your location on a snap-in Snapchat and also how to fix Snapchat location not updating.

Thus, though you can not tell if someone searches for you on Snapchat, there are various other privacy tracking features on Snapchat that most social media platforms do not provide.

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Can Someone Tell If You Search Them On Snapchat?

The answer to this question would also be a “No,” as in the previous question.

Others won’t know if you search for them on Snapchat unless you also add them. If you add them after searching their name, it will display “Added by search,” and they will then know for sure!

Also, all the other privacy tracking features I explained earlier apply to you. Other users will know if you view their Snapchat stories or screenshot them.

They will know when you screenshot their chat, snaps, stories, or Snap Map. So keep this in mind before you do any of that and fall into an awkward situation.

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How Do You Search For Someone On Snapchat?

You can search for either their name or username on Snapchat and add them as friends.

To search for someone on Snapchat, here’s what you’ll have to do:

Step 1: Open The Snapchat App

Firstly, you need to open the Snapchat app and log in to your account if you haven’t yet.

Step 2: Go To The “Add Friends” Section

Then, it would be best if you headed over to the “Add friends” section. There are two ways to do this: you can either tap on the Bitmoji at the top left of your screen or you can tap on the “+ Add Friends” icon.

Step 3: Search For A User

If you tap on the “+Add Friends” icon, you’ll directly see that search bar. But if you tap on the Bitmoji, you’ll be directed to your profile, where you should tap on the “Add Friends” option. Once there, you will find a search bar where you can search for any names or usernames you want to see and add them from here.

Thus, this is how you search for someone on Snapchat.

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Will It Say Added By Search If You Have Mutual Friends?

Yes, it will still say Added by search even if you have mutual friends, as they added you from the suggestions section.

Snapchat suggests you friends based on mutual friends, location, contact list, and so on. They appear on the Quick Add section and when someone adds you through suggestions, it will display the same “Added by search.”

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Can You Stop People From Adding You From Search?

You can’t just stop people from typing your name on the search bar and finding you unless you specifically block them. But what you can do to minimize it is disable the ‘Quick Add’ feature to prevent new users from finding your account. If the Quick Add feature is acting weird, you can learn how to fix the Quick Add not working on Snapchat.

You get to see the Quick Add section on Snapchat’s search page. Quick Add suggestions are based on mutual friends and someone’s contacts. While it is a great feature to discover friends that someone has not added yet, the downside is it also exposes your username to a bunch of unknown users. So it is always best if you turn off the “See Me in Quick Add” feature if you don’t want random people to add you.

To stop random people from communicating with you, you can change the Contact Me option from “Everyone” to “My Friends.”

A bonus tip is to use your common sense and not share your Snapchat ID/name with anyone else.

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Difference Between Snapchat Quick Add And Snapchat Search

Snapchat Quick Add and Search are two different features on the Snapchat platform that allow users to connect with friends or discover new people. Here’s a breakdown of the difference between Snapchat Quick Add and Search:

Snapchat Quick Add:

  • Quick Add is a feature on Snapchat that suggests potential friends for you to add to your network.
  • It uses Snapchat’s AI engine to match you with people based on various factors such as mutual friends, similar profiles, contacts list, and location.
  • Quick Add is designed to help you expand your Snapchat network by recommending people you might know or have common interests with.
  • When someone adds you via Quick Add, you will receive a notification indicating that you have been added.
  • You can control your Quick Add settings and choose to remove yourself from others’ Quick Add suggestions if you prefer.

Snapchat Search:

  • Search on Snapchat allows you to search for specific users by their name or username manually.
  • You can enter a person’s name or username in the search bar to find and add them as a friend on Snapchat.
  • When someone adds you by manually searching for your name or username, it will display “Added by search” under their username.
  • Searching for users on Snapchat gives you more control over who you want to connect with, as you can actively search for specific individuals.

In summary, Snapchat Quick Add suggests potential friends for you to add based on various factors, while Snapchat Search allows you to search for specific users by their name or username manually. Both features serve different purposes in helping you connect with friends or discover new people on Snapchat.

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How To Add Someone Without It Saying Added By Search?

There are some ways you can try to add people on Snapchat other than adding by search. If you don’t want someone to see Added by Search while you add them, try these ways!

Send Their Username To Yourself

Having someone’s username sent directly to you allows you to add them without it looking like you searched for their profile. First, have the person you want to add share their Snapchat username with you over text, email, or another messaging platform. Then, open Snapchat and go to your chat.

You’ll find their username embedded in the message—tap it to reveal the “Add” button. Selecting this option to add them from your chat history causes it to say “Added by mention” rather than appearing as you discovered them through a search.

Type In The Full Username

Entering a profile’s full username manually avoids Snapchat’s autofill and searching functions. Go to the search bar and precisely enter their exact username without any mistakes or partial matches. If Snapchat doesn’t provide any autocomplete suggestions, you’ve typed it correctly. Then simply tap on their profile to access the “Add” button. By directly inputting the full username instead of relying on Snapchat’s built-in lookup, it will register as an addition initiated by username rather than seeming as though you hunted for their profile through general searches.

Use Snapcode

A Snapcode is a unique QR-like code that links directly to someone’s Snapchat profile. Having their Snapcode gives you a way to add them incognito. Open Snapchat and go to your personal Snapcode by tapping your own Bitmoji avatar. Select “Add Friends” and then “Scan Snapcode” to look for others nearby.

When the other person’s Snapcode appears, scan it to be instantly connected without any labels about how the connection was established through the app.

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How To Add Someone By Search Without Them Knowing?

Technically, there’s no way to add someone on Snapchat without them knowing. But if you still ask me how? Create an anonymous Snapchat account!

It’s easy enough to add someone on Snapchat without them knowing your identity if you do it through an anonymous account. This way, you can add someone by searching on Snapchat and also remain anonymous.

Other Ways To Add Friends On Snapchat

Besides adding by search, you can use other ways to add friends on Snapchat, which I’ve explained below:

Added By Mention

When someone Snapchats about you by including your Snapchat username, nearby viewers can easily add you discreetly without it appearing like an active search on their end. Any users who happen to see that Snap story can tap the people icon to view all profile mentions.

From this populated list, they select your username and send a friend request. You’ll see it was an “Added by mention” rather than a search tag. This provides a convenient cover since it simply followed the Snap mention, making the addition seem opportunistic rather than premeditated profile hunting through Snapchat itself.

Added By Snapcode

To add someone stealthily using a Snapcode takes coordination but avoids any traces of searching within Snapchat. You need to get the other user’s unique Snapcode directly from them via text, in person by scanning, or another offline method.

With just their Snapcode photo or video saved, open the Snapchat app and go to your profile. Tap “Add Friends,” then select “Scan Snapcode” to discreetly link up the two accounts through the encrypted code without entering any usernames anywhere. All that is viewable is an anonymous code exchange, keeping your identity and intentions obscured from the Snapchat network.

Added From Contacts

If the other user is saved as a phone contact, you can sync Snapchat with your device to view matching profiles seamlessly. After connecting your contacts list in Snapchat’s settings, the app will search for matching usernames.

You can then add contacts identified on Snapchat with a quick tap rather than an overt search. This leads the other user to see an “Added from contacts” label, implying more of a serendipitous connection through real-world relationships rather than a deliberate hunt across Snapchat’s users. It portrays the addition as casual rather than premeditated through Snapchat alone.

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Is It Weird To Add Someone On Snapchat By Search?

If you ask me, then no, it’s not weird at all.

Snapchat exists for you to connect with friends and even new people if you want. And if you do not search for them, how else are you supposed to find friends? Because chances are low that you have their username or Snapcode or their contact number.

I understand you might overthink the “Added by search” notification, but in my opinion, you should not think about it as much as it is not weird at all!

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What Are The Different Ways To Find People On Snapchat?

There are several different ways for users to find and connect with people on the popular social media platform Snapchat. Whether actively looking up someone by name/username, browsing algorithmic suggestions, or leveraging existing real-world contacts, the app provides a variety of discovery tools.

Each method comes with its own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to how visible the connection attempt appears on a new contact’s profile. Here is a more in-depth look at some of the main options:

Searching by Name

One of the most straightforward ways to find others on Snapchat is by entering their first or last name into the search bar located on the main profile page. Typing a name will bring up any profiles that match, allowing you to view photos and send friend requests. However, adding someone this way means it will show as “Added by search” on their profile.

Searching by Username

Manually entering a user’s unique Snapchat username into the search bar is a more direct approach compared to name searching. By precisely typing their exact username without any typos or partial matches, it avoids any autocorrect or autofill suggestions from Snapchat. If done right, it will register as an addition initiated by username rather than search. However, you still need to know the other person’s exact alias in advance for this method.

Quick Add Suggestions

The Quick Add feature displays profiles Snapchat’s algorithms think a user may want to connect with based on location, mutual friends, and other factors. Profiles seen here can be added directly without searching, but they will still show as an addition through Snapchat’s search functions. Quick Add opens up connections to strangers but also exposes your profile to random discovery.

Using Snapcodes

A Snapcode is a unique Snapchat-generated QR-like code that directly links to a user’s profile when scanned. Having someone’s Snapcode available lets you link up with their account without entering usernames or utilizing Snapchat’s internal search tools. Connections made this way register as direct code linking rather than from searches. However, coordinating Snapcode sharing can be inconvenient compared to built-in search and discoverability options.

Shared Contacts

When contact permissions are granted, Snapchat looks up profiles matching numbers saved in a user’s phone. Tapping profiles found here results in the connection displaying as an “Added from Contacts” addition instead of a search. While seamless, it requires the other party’s real-world details to be directly already saved for this method to function.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some frequently asked questions related to the topic collected from the internet, and you might want to go through the answers if you also have queries as such.

Can Someone See How Many Times You Viewed Their Snapchat Story?

No, Snapchat doesn’t notify you when a story viewer keeps playing it repeatedly.

Additionally, there is no way to determine how frequently someone has repeated your story on their phone. You will only notice the number of viewers when you check your Story views.

What Does +1 More Mean On The Snapchat Story?

The primary distinction between “Other Snapchatters” and “+ 1” more is that “Other Snapchatters” have a list of users who have viewed your profile that includes their usernames. However, the “+ 1 more” category will not provide any identification.

Can I Snap Someone Who Deleted Me?

Yes, you can still snap someone who deleted you. You won’t be able to message someone unless they have blocked you, which is the lone exception.

If you stop seeing pictures or videos sent to someone’s Snapchat Story, they may have unfriended you.


In conclusion, Snapchat offers multiple ways to discover and connect with other profiles. Methods like searching by name or browsing Quick Add suggestions allow for easy findings but openly display the connection attempt. More private options involve sharing Snapcodes or leveraging common contacts. However, each requires extra coordination or existing real-world information.

With some workarounds, users can link discreetly without signs of direct searching, too. Snapchat provides both convenient but visible search tools and obscure yet difficult paths. Ultimately, the platform allows users flexibility in making their social discovery and outreach appear proactive or passive to others on the network.

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