How to Attach Snapchat Cameos With Photos and Videos? [2023]

How to Attach Snapchat Cameos With Photo and Video

I’m always looking for new ways to have fun with Snapchat and engage with my friends. In exploring the app more recently, I’ve found steps to attach Snapchat Cameos to my photos and videos easily. After seeing how many creative options there are, I wanted to learn how to incorporate these interactive stickers and effects into my own snaps. In this article, I will share the simple process I discovered for selecting Cameos from the sticker menu and dragging them onto images and clips saved in my camera roll.

To attach Snapchat Cameos with photos and videos, open the Snapchat app and select a photo or video from your camera roll or take a new one. Tap the sticker icon, choose a Cameo, drag and drop it onto your media, customize it with text if desired, and then send or share your snap with the attached Cameo.

In this article, you will learn about Snapchat’s Cameo feature, which allows overlaying animated graphics on snaps. A brief overview and concise guide on selecting cameos from the sticker menu and dragging them onto photos and videos will be provided. Potential reasons why the cameo option may not appear, such as needing to update the Snapchat app, will also be covered briefly.

What Is Snapchat Cameos?

Snapchat Cameos is a unique feature that allows users to create short looping videos with their faces. It gained popularity rapidly after its global release on December 18th, 2019. This feature sets itself apart from other social media platforms by offering a range of characters and animations where users can insert their faces.

Let’s say it’s like an upgraded version of GIFs. You can only use pre-existing animated characters in GIFs, while in Cameos, you can cut and insert your face.

First, you should know how to create Snapchat Cameos to use it. Then, only you can work on this cameo feature.

Also Read: How To Make Group On Snapchat?

Can You Use Cameos On Saved Photos?

Cameos are the best way to express emotion and improve conversations without typing. Once you set up Cameos on Snapchat, you can download/save them and share them on other social media feeds or stories. Moreover, users can change the text of Snapchat Cameos whenever they like, adding an extra layer of personalization to their creations.

But here’s a question, “Can you use Cameos on saved or downloaded photos?”

The short answer is yes.

You can use the cameos on any saved photo from your mobile gallery. So this way, you don’t have to take every snap every time.

Want to learn the process? Then, keep reading the article or scroll down.

Also Read: How to Change Snapchat Cameo Photo?

How To Save Snapchat Cameo On Mobile?

To use the saved cameos, first, you must learn to save them on your mobile. Then, only you can head to another topic down below.

So how can you do that?

Let’s move to a simple procedure.

Step 1: Go To The Chatbox Section.

Click on the chat box section located at the bottom of the screen.

Step 2: Go To Your Friend’s Inbox.

Then, open your chat section with one of your friends.

Step 3: Click On The Smiley Face.

Now, tap on the smiley face beside the chat bar.

Step 4: Long-Press The Cameo.

There, long-press the selected desired Cameo you want to save.

Step 5: Tap On The Save To Camera Roll option.

After that, click on the Save to Camera Roll option.

Step 6: That’s It.

Your cameos will be successfully saved in your mobile gallery.

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How To Attach Snapchat Cameos With Photos Or Videos?

You can also use Snapchat cameos on your photos and videos.

You can customize your snap, photo, and video with the help of the Cameo. A Snapchat cameo can work if your picture is boring and needs shine and spice.

This is like decorating your Snapchat photo and video to look way better than before.

I am exhilarated to share these simple steps to put a cameo on Snapchat photos and videos. I always make a boring Snapchat photo into something special, exciting, and funny.

If you also can’t wait to design your Snapchat photo with the help of a cameo, then move to the below-mentioned steps.

Step 1: Open Snapchat

Open the Snapchat app on your mobile device.

Open Snapchat

Step 2: Snap Anything

Take a cool snap or video.

Snap Anything | Snapchat Cameos With Photos and Videos

Step 3: Tap on a Square Box

Then click on the rectangular box from the upper right side of the screen.

Tap on a Square Box | Snapchat Cameos With Photos and Videos

Step 4: Navigate Cameos

Look out for cameos in the cameo section.

Tap On The Smiley Face | Snapchat Cameos With Photos and Videos

Step 5: Choose The Desired Cameo

Select the desired Cameo and place it in a suitable spot on your photo.

Choose the desired Cameo | Snapchat Cameos With Photos and Videos

Step 6: Write A Text

You can write text to make photos even more interesting. To do so, tap on your photo and write something funny about the cameos and photo.

Write A Text

Step 7: Tap The Right Face Arrow (Send)

Click on the send button from the bottom right corner.

Tap The Right Face Arrow (Send) | Snapchat Cameos With Photos and Videos

Step 8: Send it.

Send it to your friends or post it on your Snapchat Story here.

Now, you can attach any Snapchat cameos with your photo and video.

Also Read: Why Snapchat Camera Roll Not Showing All Photos?

How To Attach Cameo To Picture And Video From Camera Roll On Snapchat?

If you have saved photos or videos on your mobile that you have downloaded from the internet, you can also grab attention using Snapchat Cameos. Using Cameos, you can incorporate those pictures into your snaps and enhance their impact.

You can choose any picture and video from your mobile gallery and transform it into something special.

So how can you do that? Let’s see the following simple steps.

Step 1: Open Snapchat

Open the Snapchat app on your mobile device.

Open Snapchat

Step 2: Click Rectangle (Camera Roll) Icon

Tap the two rectangular boxes on the camera section. It is located at the left side of the camera snap option when you take the snap.

Click Rectangle (Camera Roll) Icon | Snapchat Cameos With Photos and Videos

Step 3: Select On Camera Roll

You will move onto the Memories page and click on the Camera Roll from the available options.

Select On Camera Roll

Step 4: Choose The Photo From The Camera Roll

Select any photo you want from the Camera Roll.

Choose The Photo From The Camera Roll | Snapchat Cameos With Photos and Videos

Step 5: Tap on three vertical dots

After that, click three vertical dots from the upper right corner of the screen.

Tap on three vertical dots

Step 6: Click on the Edit Photo option

There, tap on the Edit Photo option.

Click on the Edit Snap option | Snapchat Cameos With Photos and Videos

Step 7: Tap On The Square Box

Now tap the third option from the top on the upper right side.

Tap on the square box.

Step 8: Tap On Your Cameo.

Click on the Cameo Face with the start that opens the Snapchat cameo.

Tap on the Smiley Face | Snapchat Cameos With Photos and Videos

Step 9: Select The Desired Cameo.

Select the Cameo suitable for your picture or video.

Select the desired Cameo

Step 10: Place The Cameo

After that, place the Cameo in a suitable spot. You can also add other GIFs and emojis to the picture.

Place the Cameo | Snapchat Cameos With Photos and Videos

Step 11: Send It

Once done, send it to your friend or post it on your Story.

Send it | Snapchat Cameos With Photos and Videos

Also Read: How to Turn On/Off Ghost Mode on Snapchat?

How To Share Snapchat Cameos On Story?

You have been using Snapchat Cameos in chats for quite some time, but one day, you suddenly feel the urge to share them on your Story.

Can I share or post Snapchat cameos on My Story?

Well, the answer is no.

There is no option to share or post the cameos on the Snapchat Story directly. But I have a little trick where you can easily share any cameos on your Story. But Do you want to know how?

Then, follow the procedures down below.

Step 1: Save the Cameos.

Save the Cameo you want to post in your Story. If you don’t know the process, scroll up to see how to save Snapchat cameos.

Step 2: Tap on the two Rectangular Boxes.

Now, tap on the two Rectangular boxes in the camera section.

Step 3: Tap on the Camera Roll option.

After that, tap on the Camera Roll option below the search option and on the right side of the Snaps.

Step 4: Select your saved Cameo.

Select your saved Cameo and tap on the right face arrow at the bottom right corner. It indicates a send option.

Step 5: Tap on My Story.

Finally, tap on My Story and click the button at the bottom left of your screen.

Step 6: Done!

Your selected cameos will be posted in your Snapchat Story. Follow the same procedure if you have other cameos to post.

Was it difficult? No right?

Also Read: What Does “Added By Search” Mean On Snapchat?

Why Don’t I Have Cameos On Snapchat?

Snapchat Cameo is a built-in feature that enables users to create personalized animated videos using their faces. It adds a unique touch to snaps and allows for creative expression.

However, some users may need help locating the Cameo option in their Snapchat app. To resolve this, ensure your app is updated to the latest version and compatible with the Cameo feature. If the issue persists, contacting Snapchat support can provide further assistance and troubleshooting.

Here are some of the useful tips to fix that.

Check Your Internet Connection

You may encounter this issue with a poor or unstable internet connection. Slow internet speeds can prevent the Snapchat app from loading properly, making the Cameo option invisible. Ensuring a better internet connection or resolving any issues with your internet stability can help resolve this problem.

So first, ensure you are properly connected to the internet or your mobile Wi-Fi connection is good.

Close And Open The App

Due to the database error, the app features sometimes must be fixed. It’s just a matter of time. So close your app, re-open it, and check whether the problem is solved.

Update The App

Before jumping to conclusions and blaming Snapchat, ensuring the app does not cause the issue is important.

If you cannot access the latest features, such as Cameos on Snapchat, it is likely because you are using an outdated app. Keeping your Snapchat app updated is crucial to enjoying its latest features and functionalities. Updating your Snapchat app should resolve the issue and allow you to access Cameos.

So, to access Cameo’s option on Snapchat, make sure to update your Snapchat app. Once you have updated the app, the Cameo’s option should become available.

You can update the app from the Play Store (Android) and App Store (IOS).

ReinstallReinstall The Snapchat App

If none of the above methods works on your device, uninstall and reinstall the app. This time, your problem will be solved.

Once done, then install the latest version of Snapchat on your device.

Download Snapchat from this link.

Android Device

IOS Device

Also Read: How To Add A Camera Roll Photo To Snapchat Story?

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about Snapchat Cameos With Photos and Videos:

How Do I Save Cameos To Reuse On Other Snaps?

To save Cameos for later use, find or create the Cameo you want to save in a chat. Then, long-press on the Cameo and select “Save to Camera Roll” to save it to your phone’s photo gallery. You can then access and add saved Cameos when editing snaps.

Why don’t I see the Cameos option on Snapchat?

The Cameos option requires an updated version of the Snapchat app. Cameos may not appear because of an outdated app version, internet connectivity issues, or bugs. To resolve this, ensure your app is fully up to date, restart your phone, and check for any app updates. If the problem persists, contact Snapchat support.


In conclusion, Snapchat Cameos offers a fun and engaging way for users to get creative with their snaps. Whether you want to express yourself through personalized animated videos or enhance existing photos and clips with interactive stickers, Cameos provide endless possibilities for self-expression and social interaction on the platform.

As this article has detailed, attaching Cameos to media is quite simple, allowing snaps to be taken to a new level of humor, personality, and visual interest. Being able to save and reuse favorite Cameos and incorporate them into content from outside the app adds considerable versatility to the creative process. While some users may initially encounter issues finding or accessing the Cameos option, updating the app or contacting support should resolve any technical problems.

Overall, Cameos are a unique feature that enriches the Snapchat experience for casual users and those who enjoy experimenting with the latest augmented reality and creative imaging tools.

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