How To Clear Cache On Spotify [iOS, Android And PC]

How to clear cache on Spotify

If you frequently use Spotify for streaming songs or podcasts, you may have noticed that the app consumes a significant amount of cache space. The majority of this cache space in Spotify is occupied by your listening history and offline songs that you download for offline access. To free up your device’s storage and clear your Spotify app’s cache, follow this guide.

To begin, navigate to the storage settings within your Spotify app. From there, locate the cache files and delete them. If you’re using a PC, you’ll need to find the location of the cache files on your device and remove them. Detailed instructions for each device are provided later in this article.

What Is Spotify Cache

Spotify Cache refers to the files stored locally on our devices when using the Spotify app to stream songs or playlists. The Spotify cache is a component of computer systems that stores your Spotify data and programs locally, enabling quicker access.

This caching mechanism enhances the performance of the Spotify app by providing faster retrieval of information from the cache instead of a remote storage location. It stores portions of music and podcasts as cache, allowing smooth playback without interruptions. Additionally, Spotify stores offline downloaded content in the cache.

Caches are typically implemented using high-speed memory, such as dynamic random access memory (DRAM) or static random access memory (SRAM). When the system requests an item, such as a song or playlist, the Spotify cache controller checks if the item is already stored in the cache. If found, the controller retrieves it from the cache and delivers it to the requesting program or device. However, if the item is not in the cache, the controller requests it from its source and stores it in the cache for future requests.

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Why Is Spotify Cache Important

Before we delve into clearing the Spotify cache, it’s important to understand why it is significant and whether it is appropriate.

Cache serves as a mechanism implemented by browsers to enhance page loading time. The benefits of Spotify cache include:

  1. Improved performance: The app and browser can retrieve information without constantly fetching it from the server.
  2. Preloading content: Static files, such as tracks and track fragments, can be preloaded. If these files remain unchanged, there’s no need to download them again, resulting in reduced page load time.
  3. Dynamic web pages: Cache also works with dynamic web pages, but they have drawbacks. If a client modifies any data on a web page loaded from the cache, other users will continue seeing the old version until the new one is cached.

Spotify recommends its users have at least 1GB of free memory on their devices for optimal performance.

While cache provides essential benefits, having excessive cache on your device can impede app functionality. Let’s explore why it’s advisable to clear the cache for Spotify and how to do it.

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Why Should You Clear Your Cache

Now let’s examine the reasons why clearing your cache, specifically the Spotify cache on your device, is beneficial. One significant advantage is that it allows your app to function optimally, ensuring that all features work as intended. On the other hand, having an excessive cache on your device can lead to several drawbacks, which are outlined below.

  1. Stale data: If a page is updated on the server, users may still see the old version if it hasn’t been refreshed from the cache.
  2. Privacy concerns: Cached pages can be accessed by others, so sensitive information should not be stored in the cache.
  3. Cache overflow: Storing excessive song and track information can cause the cache to reach its capacity.
  4. The defeat of caching: Private browsing mode or disabling cookies in your browser can render caching ineffective.
  5. Increased bandwidth usage: Inappropriate use of caching can result in higher bandwidth consumption.

In summary, cache, including Spotify cache, is a valuable tool that offers benefits such as improved performance and preloading of static content. However, it’s essential to utilize the app cache responsibly, avoiding system overload and compromising privacy, to maximize its advantages.

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How To Clear Cache On Spotify

Here are the steps you can follow to clear the cache on Spotify on different devices.

How To Clear Cache On Spotify On iOS Device?

The steps to clear the cache in an iOS device are as below.

Step 1: Launch the Spotify App

Begin by launching the Spotify app on your iOS device. Locate the Spotify app icon and tap on it to open the app.

Step 2: Access Settings

Once the Spotify app is open, look for the gear wheel icon in the top-right corner of the screen. Tap on this icon to access the Settings menu.

Step 3: Navigate to Storage

In the Settings menu, locate and tap the “Storage” option. This will take you to the storage settings specific to Spotify.

Step 4: Clear the Cache

You can “Delete Cache” or a similar phrase in the storage settings. Tap on this option to clear the cache from the Spotify app on your iOS device.

Note: On iOS devices, Spotify stores offline downloads in an encrypted format on your device’s storage. If there is insufficient storage space, iOS automatically deletes any unused saved data. If you need to create additional storage space, you may need to remove downloaded tracks manually.

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How To Clear Spotify Cache In Android?

Similar to that on an iOS device, these are the steps to clear the cache in an Android device.

Step 1: Launch the Spotify App

open Spotify

Begin by tapping the Spotify app icon to launch the app on your Android device.

Step 2: Click on Your Profile

Click on Your Profile

Click on your Profile at the top left corner of your screen.

Step 3: Click on Grear Wheel.

Click on Grear Wheel.

Then look for the gear wheel icon representing the settings. Tap on this icon to access the Settings menu.

Step 4: Scroll Down

Scroll Down

In the Settings menu, Scroll down until you find the storage setting.

Step 5: Clear the Cache

Clear the Cache

In the storage settings, you should see an option to “Clear Cache” or a similar phrase. Tap on this option to clear the cache from the Spotify app on your Android device.

Note: After clearing the cache, you can continue using Spotify on your Android device. Additionally, if your Android device has an external SD card, you can store your downloads on the SD card.

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How To Clear Spotify Cache In PC?

Step 1: Open Spotify


Begin by opening the Spotify app on your PC or accessing Spotify in your browser.

Step 2: Click on the profile

Click on the profile

Click on the Profile icon Located at the top right of your PC’s Screen.

Step 3: Go to Settings

Go to Settings

In the options menu, locate and click “Settings” to open the Spotify settings.

Step 4: Locate Storage.

Locate Storage.

Scroll down in the settings menu until you find the “Storage” Section.

Step 5: Delete Cache Files

Delete Cache Files

Once in the Storage Section, click on Clear Cache and click on “Clear.”

Note: In the Offline Songs Storage section, you also have the option to click on “Change Location” to store the Spotify cache in a different location on your device.

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What Happens When You Clear Spotify Cache?

When you clear your Spotify cache on your device, several things happen. Firstly, all temporary files, including your listening history and offline data stored on your phone or browser, are removed. This can be beneficial if you’re encountering internet connection issues or having difficulty loading specific websites or functions within the Spotify app.

It’s important to note that clearing your Spotify cache can also delete cookies or other stored information on your computer device. Therefore, if you’re using a public computer or concerned about someone accessing your data, you might want to avoid clearing the cache.

Clearing the cache in Spotify will remove any offline information, including downloaded files. However, your playlists and library will remain intact. You can rest assured that clearing the cache won’t delete your existing music and playlists within the Spotify system. Your streaming data, however, will be removed from the listening history.

In summary, clearing your cache is a simple and effective method to enhance the functionality of your Spotify app. It can serve as a useful troubleshooting step if you encounter any issues. Remember that it will delete your offline data and cookies within Spotify on your PC.

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Does Clearing Cache Mean Clearing All Data?

I apologize for any confusion caused. You’re absolutely correct. Clearing the Spotify cache is different from clearing app data. When you clear the Spotify cache, it removes the songs you downloaded and made available for offline listening. Other app information, such as your music library and playlists, remains on the Spotify server. Clearing the app cache does not affect your stored music or playlists unless you delete your account entirely.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Some frequently asked questions on how to clear the cache on Spotify are below.

Where Is Spotify App Cache

You must go to the offline songs section from your advanced storage settings to locate your app cache files. The cache files are stored in your device’s memory. However, you can change the location on an Android phone and your PC.

Why Is My Spotify App Cache So Large

The listening history in your Spotify app must not take up a lot of cache space. However, the more songs you store for offline use, the more your cache takes up space in your storage.


In conclusion, clearing the Spotify cache on your device involves accessing the Spotify app and removing the cache files. On Android devices, you can opt to save the cache files on an external SD card. For PCs, you can change the location of the cache files.

Clearing the cache can have benefits and drawbacks, allowing you to observe how your app functions once the cache is cleared.

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