Why Can’t I Tag Someone On Instagram?

Why cant i tag someone on instagram?

Have you ever had trouble tagging someone on Instagram? If so, this page has all the information you need to resolve the issue. When tagging someone, it frequently disappears, according to Instagram users. Some people said the tags didn’t show up after submitting the picture. It can be annoying because Instagram makes tagging important because users want to know who is in your photo. In this article, you can read more about why you can’t tag someone on Instagram.

You can’t be able to tag someone on Instagram:
1. New User
2. Too many tags
3. Another Individual Has A Personal Account
4. Wrong Spelled Username and so on

Why Can’t I Tag Someone On Instagram?

Instagram doesn’t let you tag people because the user has disabled it, your account is brand new, or you tagged too many people in one photo. Instagram’s disabled tagging, a new account, or too many tags are the possible causes of tagging not working. If you experience tagging issues, you must first identify the root of the problem.

You can take the right step to address the problem once you have identified its primary cause. Tagging is one of the several problems and glitches the Instagram app is infamous for. The worst part about this situation is that Instagram doesn’t explain what led to the error.

As a result, this article lists the most common causes of the issue and describes how to fix them. We’ll discuss each of those issues in more depth below.

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Tagging Is Not Allowed

For this reason, you will probably get an Instagram tagging error most frequently. Sadly, if someone disables their tagging option, you cannot tag them on Instagram. Instagram users can choose who can tag them in a post. Turning on the “manually approve tags” option in your privacy settings can also stop others from tagging you. Anyone who turned on this option cannot be tagged in any pictures. You will need to wait while they manually approve your tag.

New User

Instagram limits certain actions for new accounts. For instance, with a new account, you are only permitted to follow a certain number of users. Similarly, it’s possible that your account is too new to tag somebody if you cannot do so. This is possibly a result of Instagram’s efforts to prevent spamming by bots. Your Instagram account is initially restricted to keep the platform equitable, like a “sandbox.”

Too Many Tags

You may have included too many tags in your post, another frequent cause of tag errors. For your information, Instagram only permits you to tag up to 20 persons at once. You won’t be allowed to upload your photo if your tags exceed the 20-person restriction.

Therefore, even if your post has numerous photos (carousel), the 20-tag maximum per post still applies. You can only “@mention” five individuals in a single comment on Instagram, which is another restriction.

Your comment won’t be uploaded if you try to add a sixth “@mention.” If you truly want to tag more than 20 individuals in a photo, you can use the “@mention” tool and the sneaky technique of leaving several comments beneath the post.

The Other Individual Has A Personal Account.

You cannot tag someone whose Instagram account is private if you are not followers of each other on Instagram. As a result, there is a risk that you haven’t followed someone on Instagram and that they have their account set to private if you are unable to tag them.

A user can only be followed and accepted once before being tagged with a private account. Then and only then will you be able to view their pictures and tag them on your own.

Wrongly Spelled User Names

People typically have an Instagram username that is distinct from their account name. These usernames can be challenging to remember at times for this reason.

Therefore, there is a risk that you are typing the wrong username they used for their account if you cannot tag someone. Simply conduct a user search to see if the username matches the one you used to resolve the issue.

The Person Has Blocked You

The person may have blocked you on Instagram if you are certain that you are using the correct username but are still unable to tag anyone.

Users who block you on Instagram vanish from your feed and are no longer searchable. You can determine if someone has blocked you by attempting to find their username. If they are not seen in the search results, they have probably blocked you or deleted their account.

The User’s Account Has Been Deleted Or Banned.

If you can’t find someone on Instagram, it’s possible that they canceled their account or were banned by the social media platform. Obviously, you won’t be able to tag them under such circumstances. Other than making that the user is still on the platform, there is no way to resolve this.

The Individual Has A Business Account.

You won’t be able to tag someone with a business account if you try. The reason is that commercial accounts do not permit tagging by third parties.

The only method to tag a business account is to mention one of their sellable goods or services in a post that you make on another platform or their website.

Instagram Bug

There is a risk that an Instagram problem is causing the tagging feature to malfunction. If you believe this to be the truth, your only option is to wait for Instagram to address the problem. You can download the app again to see if that resolves the problem. If you have checked everything on the app and it is still not working, you are certain the issue is with Instagram.

Verify Your Internet Connection

There is a possibility that your internet connection may be the cause of any errors you encounter while attempting to tag someone. See if you can tag someone when you have a reliable internet connection.

Either try using your WiFi to test it out or if you have been using WiFi, go outside and use your phone network to test it out.

How Can I Fix Instagram Tagging That Isn’t Working?

Follow the person you wish to tag in a post first. Before you tag somebody, you must complete this action. Only after successfully implementing them should you test out our solutions. Now, let’s discuss them.

Request That They Approve The Tag

If the person you are attempting to tag has enabled the “manually approve tags” option, you might send them a private message asking them to accept your tag.

New Accounts Must Wait 1-3 Weeks

If your account is brand-new, you’ll generally have to wait for one to three weeks before Instagram will let you tag someone in a post.

Verify The Number Of Tags

Instagram only permits 20 tags per post, so it’s crucial to watch out that you don’t go over that limit. Suppose you need to tag more than 20 profiles, “@mention” the extra usernames in the comments. Keep in mind that for this to function, you must publish many comments.

Make A Request To Them

Send them a request to authorize your tag if you believe the individual has a private Instagram account and they aren’t following you. On Instagram, private accounts cannot be tagged.

Verify Your Spelling

Check the profile username you wish to tag again if the steps above don’t work. Verify the username you are entering for accuracy.

Update the Instagram application

When your Instagram app is out of date, you may occasionally experience this issue. If none of the suggestions above work for you, check to see if you have the most recent version of the Instagram app by going to Google Play or the Apple App Store.

Contact the Instagram Help Center

Contacting and speaking with Instagram customer care would be the best action if none of the aforementioned solutions work.

To have your problem looked into, send an email to [email protected].

Why Can’t I Tag Someone After Posting On Instagram?

If someone has disabled tagging, your account is very new, or you accidentally tagged too many people in a photo, you can’t tag them on Instagram. Instagram tagging is not working because it is disabled, a new account, or you have added too many tags.

Additional Guidelines For Instagram Tagging

Here are a few additional details about Instagram tagging that you might find useful. The first thing you can do is take yourself out of a post where you were tagged. Follow these steps to accomplish this:

  1. or video where you were mentioned.
  2. Tap On your username.
  3. Then select Remove Me From Post.
  4. Additionally, you can change the settings for posts in which you have been tagged.
  5. Instagram users can mention you, and it shows up on your profile. By adjusting your visibility settings, you can choose who is allowed to see that you have been tagged.

There are two options available under the visibility settings:

  1. Public: On Instagram, the pictures in which you are tagged are visible to everyone.
  2. Private: It is only visible to many carefully chosen followers.

Fix the Instagram Mention Problem

You could run into issues on Instagram when you try to mention someone in a post or a story, but Instagram doesn’t recognize the username. To ensure there are no issues on your end or the end of the individual being tagged, you should try the aforementioned fixes if you run into this issue.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some of the most relevant and typical queries regarding Instagram tags.

Why Can’t I Mention Someone In An Instagram Story?

By default, Instagram lets you tag up to 20 people per post. If it goes over that amount, you won’t be able to tag anyone. Verify to see whether you haven’t exceeded the permitted number. Then you must remove certain tags and keep the number to 20 or fewer.

How Many People Can You Tag On Instagram?

Generally speaking, Instagram lets you tag up to 20 individuals per post. You only get to mention ten persons in stories, which is an even lesser number. Reduce the number of people you tag and mention in your posts and articles to prevent being shadowbanned.

Will Someone’s Instagram Followers see a tagged photo?

Yes, according to Instagram. If your account is public, everyone who follows the person you tagged in a post can see it. Additionally, your mutual followers can see the tagged posts if you have a private account. By the way, you can conceal a tag from your profile if you are tagged in a post but do not want your followers to see it. Just hide the posts in your privacy settings.

How Do I Tag Someone On Instagram?

To tag someone on Instagram, you must first select the item “Tag people,” tap the location on the image where you want to tag them, type their name in the “Search for a person” section, and finally select the suggested tag.

How Can I Get Product Tags On Instagram?

You need a verified account and a shoppable Instagram feed to receive product tags on Instagram. However, you can sell on Instagram without a business account and add clickable product tags to your Instagram posts, thanks to AiGrow’s all-in-one bio link tool.


Tagging is crucial for social media platforms like Instagram. The audience can access the profiles of the people you can connect with and who are relevant to the content by using that tag. However, since it occasionally occurs, it can be really aggravating when Instagram won’t notify you why something with Instagram tagging isn’t working.

The error you encounter when tagging someone on Instagram could be brought on by various factors. The good news is that we have thoroughly discussed every problem’s remedy. Finally, follow the advice in this post on fixing Instagram tagging not working if you encounter tagging troubles.

Also Read

  1. Can Instagram Be Monetized? [All You Need To Know]
  2. Customize Your Nametag on Instagram
  3. How to Make Your Instagram Account Private
  4. How to Hide Tagged Photos and Videos on Instagram?
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