How To Use Instagram Effects On TikTok?

how to use instagram effects on tiktok

Do you like to explore filters and effects for every Instagram post? If yes, do you know that you can also use Instagram effects on TikTok? This article will help you better understand how to use Instagram effects on TikTok. Instagram has been hype on social media networks for the past few years, but can you use Instagram filters on TikTok?

Yes, you can use Instagram filters on TikTok by following the steps below:
Download Instagram Filters
Upload On TikTok

You can create lip-synced, short music and comedy videos from 3 seconds up to 3 minutes. And you can use Instagram effects on your TikTok videos as well. So, below is a detailed guide on using Instagram effects on TikTok.

What Are Instagram Filters On TikTok?

Instagram filters are a machine learning technique used to automatically improve image quality. Instagram uses a combination of different algorithms to achieve this. The most important thing Instagram looks for is whether an image is blurry or not.

An Instagram filter detects that an image is blurry; it will automatically apply a filter to improve the quality of the image. Instagram also uses machine learning to categorize images into different categories.

For example, Instagram will categorize an image as a portion of food if it detects that the image contains food. Instagram will then apply different filters to food images to make them look more appetizing.

In addition to these two examples, Instagram also uses machine learning to detect and remove spammy or low-quality images from its platform.

Can You Use Instagram Filters on Tiktok Videos?

These are the questions that might be stirring in your mind after getting to know that Instagram and TikTok have amalgamated. So, without wasting time, let’s get started with the procedure of getting Instagram filters on Tiktok.

The process is quite simple and can be done by anyone. You just need to download an app called “StoryArt,” which is available on Android as well as IOS devices. Once the app is downloaded, you can select any Instagram filter of your choice and start using it on your TikTok videos.

Interestingly, you can also use the filters of Instagram on your TikTok videos even if you do not have an Instagram account. So, go ahead and start experimenting with different filters to make your TikTok videos more engaging and visually appealing. Who knows, you might just become the next big thing on TikTok!

Steps To Use Instagram Effects On TikTok

It is very easy to add music and different filters to your TikTok videos. Through the Instagram app, you can add filters to your TikTok videos. And here are the steps to use Instagram effects on TikTok videos.

Download Instagram Filters

It does not mean that you need to download the Instagram filter internally on the app. But downloading a filter on Instagram to use on TikTok means that you use an Instagram filter to create a video and then download it. So, below are the steps to download the Instagram filter.

Step 1: Open Instagram

Open the Instagram app on your device.

Step 2: Tap On Your Story

Then tap on the ‘Your Story’ icon at the top left of your home screen.

Step 3: Swipe To Select Filters

And swipe through the circle at the bottom to select the desired filter.

Step 4: Hold The Circle Button

After selecting the filter, you want to use, hold the circle button to create the video. Don’t release the button unless you want to stop recording the video.

Step 5: Add Effects

Then you can swipe left or right to add effects.

Step 6: Save The Video

Finally, you can tap the downwards arrow at the top right of your screen to save the video. You don’t need to share the video on Instagram; you can save it on your device after creating it.

Upload On TikTok

After creating the video on Instagram, you can upload the same on TikTok. So, the following are the steps to upload the video created on Instagram into your TikTok account.

Step 1: Open TikTok App

Open TikTok app on your device.

Step 2: Tap ‘+’ Icon

And tap on the ‘+’ icon at the bottom of your screen.

Step 3: Tap The Upload Icon

Instead of recording a new video, tap on the ‘upload’ icon on the bottom right.

Step 4: Select The Video

You can select the video you created on Instagram to upload from your gallery.

Step 5: Customize Your Video

After the video is uploaded on the TikTok app, you can customize the video according to your preferences. And tap on the ‘Next’ button.

Step 6: Post On TikTok

Finally, you can share the Instagram effects video on TikTok with the ‘post’ button at the bottom.

How To Use Instagram New Filters?

Sometimes while exploring the stories and posts, you come across wonderful filters. And you wonder where they come from. For example, you can use Instagram face filters from someone else’s story. So, to use a face filter, you should know how it works.

Face filters on Instagram use AR (Augmented Reality) to create a layer of effects on your images or videos. For example, you can add a puppy’s ear to your face or use makeup and skin filters like on Snapchat. So, here are the steps to easily access filters on your Instagram stories.

Step 1: Open Instagram App

Open an Instagram app on your device.

Step 2: Tap ‘Your Story’ Icon

And tap the ‘Your Story’ icon at the top left of your home screen to create a new story. Also, you can directly swipe left your home screen if you want to save time.

Step 3: Swipe Through The Circle

Now you can swipe through the circle at the bottom to use the effects already downloaded on your Instagram app.

Step 4: Use New Filters

You need to swipe the circle to the extreme right for new filters until the browsing icon appears.

Step 5: Tap Browsing Icon

And tap on the browsing icon to explore the new filters that are trending on Instagram.

Step 6: Search For Filters

If you already know the filters, you can tap on the top right of the browsing icon and type the filter name.

Step 7: Use Other’s Filter

And if you want to use the filter from another’s story, you can tap on the filter name on the top left or right below the username of the story. After that, you can also use the same effect on your picture or video.

How To Use TikTok Filters?

TikTok is a little different from other social media apps as it has many unique features. For example, you can adjust your videos with special effects on TikTok and create interesting videos. In addition, you might come across interacting filters while scrolling through the TikTok feed. So, how can you use them in your videos? The interactive filters on TikTok are similar to the AR filters you find on Instagram.

And if you want to make videos on TikTok using AR filters, you can find a lot of choices. You can find the steps below if you are unaware of how to use them.

Step 1: Open TikTok App

Open TikTok app on your device.

Step 2: Tap ‘+’ Icon

And tap the ‘+’ icon at the bottom of your screen.

Step 3: Tap On Effects

Now tap on the ‘Effects’ option at the bottom.

Step 4: Find Interactive Filter

You can find the interactive filter tab on the right from the list of trending filters. You can swipe the filters to the right unless you see them.

Step 5: Tap On Interactive Filter Tab

A list of different interactive filters will appear when you tap on the interactive filter tab.

Step 6: Choose The Filter

Then you can choose the one from the list of interactive filters and create a video.

Step 7: Find The Instructions

After selecting the desired filter, TikTok will give you instructions to use the filter. According to the filter you have chosen, sometimes it will ask you to smile, raise your eyebrow or move your head.

Step 8: Record Video

You can then record the video by pressing the red circle button at the bottom.

Step 9: Post The Video

And then, add other necessary options and ‘post’ the video on TikTok.

Most Trending Filters On Instagram

Filters make your video look good with new ideas and a trending track on any platform. It gives life to your pictures and videos when you feel bored and on different occasions. Filters used on Instagram posts and stories are different. Instagram posts filters; it is pretty simple as you can only change the color, saturation, brightness, etc. At the same time, the filters on Instagram stories change the picture or video as a whole.

Most filters become trendy when celebrities start using them. So, here are some of the trending filters on Instagram.

  • Guess The Gibberish
  • Cantonese Tongue Twister
  • The Question Filter
  • Never Have I Ever Filter
  • The Gesture Filter
  • Drawing 5 Seconds

Most Trending Filters On TikTok

TikTok has various genres to create new videos according to trends and artistic ideas. So, there are some trending filters on TikTok that you can use to make videos. Below are the most trending filters on TikTok.

  • Spilling Water On Babies
  • Washing Berries In Salt Water
  • The Dalgona Coffee
  • The Savage Challenge
  • Wap By Cardi B

What Are The Benefits Of Using Instagram And TikTok Filters?

You can find a lot of filters on Instagram and TikTok app. These filters can help to make your content more reactive and humorous and lead to viral trends. So, it helps to boost marketing if you run any business. You can make your AR filters for your brand to attract an audience. Also, you can have fun with the app if you are a regular user of the filter.

What Are The Drawbacks Of Using Instagram And TikTok Filters?

Like each coin has two sides, so if there are benefits, using Instagram and TikTok filters has some drawbacks. People use filters to look good on social app, but they are not. And, people tend to get modifications to look like on filters. So, why not eat healthy foods to look good instead of using filters?

Frequently Asked Questions

There might be some questions on how to use Instagram effects on TikTok. So, below are the related queries explained in brief.

What Is The Filter Everyone Using On TikTok?

Nowadays, people are more into beauty filters on TikTok. Besides this, other viral TikTok trends include an aging filter, a gender swap filter, and a big face filter.

Does TikTok Have Content Filters?

There is no way to filter out content on TikTok, so parents need to share an account with kids over 13. This will help keep an eye on what your kids are doing on TikTok.


Thus, you can easily use Instagram effects on TikTok by creating a video on Instagram and sharing it on TikTok. In addition, there is a wide range of filters on Instagram that you can use on TikTok. So, by reading this article, you should know how to use Instagram effects on TikTok.

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