Can You Give Yourself Views On Tiktok

Can you give yourself views on tiktok

TikTok views can be used as the primary metric on how your content is performing on the platform. TikTok gives priority to the short-form videos which can be watched on the go. The platform has been introducing long-form video content but still, the majority of its content is short-form videos with information and entertainment. With views at the centre, you may ask can you give yourself views on TikTok?

Unfortunately, you cannot give yourself views on Tiktok. The platform does not count the content creator’s views on the view count. It does however counts the multiple views of a video from other users. For example, if any of your viewers watch your video multiple times, even in a loop, it counts all the views on the view count. So, you may not want to spend time watching your videos in hope of increasing your views.

So, do you want to increase your TikTok views? If yes, go through this article to understand more on how TikTok views work and how can you increase your views. This article lists and explains the major points you want to consider while creating your videos on TikTok to get more views. It also helps you in understanding what type of content do TikTok prioritizes and promotes on the For You page of TikTok.

How Views Work On Tiktok?

TikTok, as a platform, wants more and more users to spend more time on their platform. For this sole objective, TikTok prioritizes content that can gather more viewers and spend their time watching those content. As a creator, you may want to keep this point in your mind while creating content on this platform.

TikTok videos are short-form videos that are quick to watch and also deliver information that can be useful to the viewers. According to several content creators on the platform, the quality of the content, use of the right title & hashtags, timing and ability to engage the viewers on the video are the key points you have to consider to garner more views.

Can You Give Yourself Views On TikTok?

Viewing your content does not increase view count so you cannot give yourself views. However, any other account of yours can view the content and it will increase the view count. Any repeated views from other users are also counted as views on the platform.

This is particularly helpful if someone decides to watch your videos multiple times. You can also leverage this point to increase your view count.

With all this, you may not want to find alternative ways to gain views but work according to some set of rules which can be long lasting and actually help you create great content and hence, gain more views and followers.

How Does TikTok Count Views?

TikTok counts your views right from when any user starts watching your videos. The watching duration of your videos may be different but all of it will be counted as views. Views from the creator’s account however may not be counted. So, for a view to count in Tiktok, the viewer must tap on your video and start to watch it.

How Do I Increase Views On TikTok?

To increase views on TikTok, there is a single rule i.e. ‘A Great Content’. If you create great content and you will be successful in garnering more views and gaining more followers over time. Alternative ways can work for some time but it cannot go as a permanent solution in getting more views.

The following are some of the ideas you can implement in getting more views on TikTok.

Create Trending Content To Get More Views

Create Trending Content To Get More Views

Like other social media platforms, TikTok also follows trending content and topics. You can research the trending topics using various tools and create content under the topics and trends. The discover section of TikTok also gives you an idea of what contents are trending on TikTok.

Creating TikTok videos on trending content has been shown to increase views and make audiences engage. So, before you create the next video on TikTok, do not forget to gather ideas from the discover section of TikTok.

Creating Contents With Trending Music To Get More Views

Creating Contents With Trending Music To Get More Views

Trending Music and sounds are another part of TikTok that garners more audiences and views. Making videos with trending music or sound will be able to help more users get stumbled onto your content. Before you make the next video, consider researching the trending sounds and music on TikTok.

The discover section of TikTok hosts all the trending sounds and music. Do use the data to help you get more views.

Create Quality Content To Get More Views

Create Quality Content To Get More Views

Quality content with great visuals goes farther than you expect on getting more views. A good camera positioning, focus on the subject and inclusion of information in form of stickers and texts along with good camera quality will help you create quality content and therefore gain more views and followers.

Quality content also refers to the quality of information relayed on the video. Being able to include information that helps users to solve problems and get perspective on the topic will also add quality to your content. So, try to relay important and precise information to your content on TikTok.

Share Your Content To Get More Views

Share To Increase Views In A New TikTok Account

Creating quality content with trending topics will help you get more views but sharing those contents will help you further to reach more people beyond your audience.

Try sharing your content on other social media which will enable the followers or audiences from those platforms to connect you in TikTok.

Use Hashtags In Your Content To Get More Views

Use Hashtags In Your Content To Get More Views

The use of related and trending hashtags in your video can also be a great way to expand your reach on the platform. People searching for videos on a particular topic may stumble onto your videos with the help of correct hashtags.

This can help expand your reach and increase views on your videos.

Upload At Right Time To Get More Views

Upload At Right Time To Get More Views

TikTok views are also somewhat related to the timing of their uploads. Uploading your videos at the time of high traffic on TikTok may help you instantly increase your views as TikTok prioritizes and places videos on the ForYou page according to the views it had garnered. With the Correct video, you can strike a chord on the trend and go viral on the platform.

This may happen if you are uploading your videos at times when more people are watching videos on the platform. So, try to find a perfect time when people are most active on the platform.

Engage Your Existing Viewers To Get More Views

Engage Your Existing Viewers To Get More Views

Having an engaging audience helps in various ways to build you as a creator in TikTok. Particularly it helps in getting more views on TikTok because an engaging audience will repeatedly watch your videos and react to them in form of likes, comments, shares, duets, etc.

So try creating content that helps you engage your audience and encourage them to react to your content. This will expand your organic reach, promote your videos to the ForYou page of TikTok and therefore gain more views on your videos.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

These are some of the frequently asked questions related to can you give yourself views on Tiktok. Follow through the questions and their answers to get more understanding about TikTok views and how it works.

How To Get Views On TikTok With No Followers?

TikTok views have shown to be increased even without huge followers. A good video with a trending topic can gather views if more people liked it. So, you can try creating good videos with trending topics and music and you can get more views.

Do My Views Increase The View Count In TikTok?

No, your views on your videos do not have any impact on the views. However, TikTok does counts repeated views from other accounts. You may want to share your videos to expand your audiences to get more views.

Creating content with quality and useful information will also help you get more views on TikTok. Try using the tips that are included in this article to help you get more views on TikTok.

Does TikTok Count Instagram Views?

No, any views of your videos other than on TikTok may not count as views. You can however share links to your videos on Instagram and if anyone decides to click the link and visit TikTok to watch your videos, will be counted as views.

So consider sharing links instead of posting videos directly on Instagram and encourage your Instagram followers to visit TikTok and watch your videos.


Therefore, you cannot give yourself views on TikTok by repeatedly watching your videos. Though you can use another account to watch your videos repeatedly, it may not be in your interest to use that route to gain more views. Instead, you may want to organically increase the views by using tips and tricks presented in this article.

Some frequently asked questions related to the topic is also included in the article to help you understand more about TikTok views and how you can get more views.

Also Read: How To Get Tiktok Views For Free

Also Read: How To Get Free Followers In Tiktok

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