How to Reset or Recover Your Instagram Password [Updated 2022]

Reset and recover your Instagram password

In this generation, everybody is involved in some social media or networking sites, and some are involved in all the social media and networking sites. Since there can be many email accounts and different Passwords, of a particular person. It’s a common issue to forget your Password. And keeping the same Password for a more extended period may result in a security issue. So, to increase your security and fix the problem, you can reset your Instagram password every couple of months.

If you can’t remember your password then, you can recover your password using your email address, phone number. If you are connected with Facebook then, you can get login access in one-click – log in as Facebook.
How? Let’s learn a step-by-step process with an image to reset and recover your password, which makes your clear. Today I will guide you on both how to reset and recover your Instagram password

[NoteIf you are not able to change or reset your password following the steps below, you can open “Instagram help” for additional help.]

How to Reset Your Instagram Password?

If you think someone else also knows your password or if you don’t feel secure with your password then, you can reset your password, which will help you to increase the privacy and security of your account. You can reset your password from both the Web-browser and Mobile phone using the Instagram App. Let’s follow the steps to perform the task.

How to Reset Your Instagram Password Using Web-browser?

  1. Open any browser in your device.
  2. Login using username and Password.
  3. Click on the profile icon in the top-right of your device screen.
  4. Now, click on the Edit Profile just right to your username.
  5. Under Edit profile, you will see the list, click on the Change Password.
  6. Now, type your Old Password, New Password, and Confirm Password in the text field.
  7. Finally, click on the Change Password blue button just below confirm Password.

Now you can use the new password you have reset/changed to get access to your Instagram account.

 How to Reset Your Instagram Password Using Mobile-phone?

  1. Open your Instagram Application on your mobile phone.
  2. If you are not logged in, log in to your account using username and password or by using login as Facebook.
  3. Now, click on the profile icon, which is the bottom right of your mobile screen.
  4. Now, click on the three-vertical line (MENU), or you can also swipe left on your screen to bring Settings.
  5. Click on the Gear icon, which is also called Settings from the bottom right.
  6. Now you will see the list of Settings, click on the Security from the list.
  7. Click Password with the key icon in it, under Login Security.
  8. Now type your Current PasswordNew Password, and New Password again.
  9. Finally, click on the Tick icon (Correct). Now you can use your new password to get access to your Instagram account. Your password has successfully reset.

How to Recover Your Instagram Password?  

If you have many accounts and you keep forgetting your password then, don’t worry, you can recover your password if you don’t remember your password. You can recover your Instagram using both the web-browser and mobile phone App. Let’s go to step by step process to recover your Instagram password.

How to Recover Your Instagram Password Using Web-browser?

  1. Open any browser on your device.
  2. Go to
  3. Now click on the Forgot password just below Log in with Facebook.
  4. Enter your Email, Phone, or Username in the text field and click on the Send Login Link. Now, Instagram will you a link to your account either in a phone number or Email address you have used.
  5. If you have used a phone number then, check your message. Otherwise, log in to your email address and check the inbox of your email.
  6. Now, click on the link if used phone number; otherwise, for email, click on the Instagram message and click on the Reset Password from the message.
  7. After that, you will be redirected to the new page to recover your password. Now, type a new Password, and New password confirmation.
  8. Click on the reset password. After that, you will be redirected to your profile. Remember your password you have just changed if you forget your password repeat the same steps to recover again “haha!” You have successfully recovered your password.

How to Recover Your Instagram Password Using Mobile phone?

  1. Open your Instagram Application on your mobile phone
  2. Click on the Get help signing in, just below login.
  3. Enter your username, phone, or email address. If you have linked your mobile and email, you can choose any one of them to recover your Instagram account. The link will be sent to the phone or email.
  4. After you provide a phone, email, or username, click on the Next button.
  5. Now check the link on your mobile phone in the message.
  6. Click on the link that is sent by Instagram to recover your Instagram account in the message box.
  7. After that, you will be redirected to a web page to recover your Instagram account. Now, type a new password and New password confirmation.
  8. Click on the reset password.

Now you will be redirected to your profile, and you have successfully recovered your Instagram account. Your password is the one that you just entered while resetting your password. Enjoy!


Don’t forget to reset your password in a couple of months. Now, you can even guide your friends and family to reset and recover their Instagram account.

If you have any questions regarding this article or any queries about the steps, you can feel free to ask us in the comment box below. You can visit our official website for more guides and information. 

Thank You.

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