How To See The Most Viewed Video Of A TikTok Creator? [2023]

how to see the most viewed video of a tiktok creator

Do you have a favorite creator in TikTok? How much do you know about them? It may be that you have discovered them recently. Want to see which video of theirs is the most viewed one? Or even better if you are the creator and want to find your most-watched video. Well, you may ask how to see the most viewed video of a TikTok creator?

Unfortunately, TikTok does not provide you with any straightforward way to see the most viewed video of any creator within the app or web. Either you have to look through the analytics data or use a third-party tool such as Retro-Play to complete the task.

If you are unaware of any tool or the way to use the tools, do not worry and read this article. This article will make you understand how you can complete the task of sorting out the most viewed video on TikTok. The analytics tool of TikTok is also a viable source of data to check the views and other metrics of your content and the overall profile.

The analytics tool is also explained in this article.

Sorting In TikTok To See The Most Viewed Video Of A TikTok Creator

Sorting is the process of organizing a set of data in a certain order. In TikTok, there is no tool you can use to sort the videos of a creator or your own. You cannot even sort videos in any order using your mobile device.

Though you can add videos to your favorites as a collection, if you want to sort videos, you can either use your computer and a sorting tool installed externally or use a third-party app that will list out the most viewed video of a certain creator.

How To See The Most Viewed Video Of A TikTok Creator

Since there is no way you can sort the most viewed video of a creator using the official TikTok app, you can use a third-party app called retro-play to do the task. This app is created to make collages of TikTok videos. You can also use this app to find out different stats about your video or of any other creator.

This app can be installed from AppStore or PlayStore to your device. It has a simple interface and is often touted as an essential app for TikTok creators or users.

So, let’s see the most viewed video of your favorite TikTok creator. For that, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Open App Store Or Play Store

Step 1 Open App Store Or Play Store

Open the store of your platform i.e. App Store for iOS and Play Store for Android.

Step 2: Search For Retro-Play

Step 2 Search For Retro Play

On the store, search for the app ‘Retro-Play’.

Step 3: Download The Retro-Play App

Step 3 Download The Retro Play App

Download the app and install it on your device.

Step 4: Open The Retro-Play App

Step 4 Open The Retro Play App

Once downloaded, open the app.

Step 5: Click Create

Once the app is opened, click the create icon on the bottom.

Step 6: Input The Username

Step 6 Input The Username | See The Most Viewed Video Of A TikTok Creator

It will then give you an input box to put the username. Input the username of your favorite creator.

Step 7: Copy The List To See The Most Viewed Video Of A TikTok Creator

It will then give you the list of the 10 most viewed videos of the creator which then can be made into collages. But since we only want to find the most viewed video of the creator, we can just copy the list.

You can also input any username and find out their most viewed video on TikTok.

And if you just want to find your own most viewed video, input your username and it will list your top 10 most viewed videos.

You can also use the analytics tool of TikTok to find out your most viewed videos. But since it wouldn’t let you sort your videos, you would have to list the views of each video and its name onto a spreadsheet and sort it there by yourself.

This Retro-play app can only give you certain public information about your videos and profile. But if you want to gain more insight into your videos and their performances, the Analytics tool will help you in great ways.

We have prepared a simple guide to TikTok Analytics to help you understand how you can use the tool to your advantage.

Also Read: How To See The View Count In Your TikTok Videos

Guide To TikTok Analytics To See The Most Viewed Video Of A TikTok Creator

TikTok analytics can be found in the creator tools section of TikTok. But to be able to access the analytics tool or any other creators tool, your account must be a pro account.

A pro account is a professional account that is operated mainly by organizations, companies, or creators.

Your account when created by default is personal and does not have any tools that are provided to the pro account. To access those tools, you first need to convert your ‘Personal account’ to a Pro account.

Follow the below steps to convert your ‘Personal account’ to a Pro account.

Step 1: Open TikTok App

Step 1 Open TikTok App

Open the TikTok app on your device. Login to your account if you haven’t already.

Step 2: Go To Profile Section

Step 2 Go To Profile Section

From the home screen of TikTok, click the profile icon on the bottom-right corner to go to the profile section.

Step 3: Click The Hamburger Icon

Step 3 Click The Hamburger Icon

On the profile page, look for the hamburger icon on the top-right corner of the screen and click it.

Step 4: Select Settings And Privacy

Step 4 Select Settings And Privacy

From here, select the settings and privacy option.

Step 5: Go To Manage Account

Step 5 Go To Manage Account

On the settings and privacy page, click the manage account option.

Step 6: Click ‘Switch To Pro Account’

Step 6 Click Switch To Pro Account | See The Most Viewed Video Of A TikTok Creator

On the manage account page, click the ‘Switch to Pro Account’ option.

Step 7: Tap Creator And Finish The Steps

Here, it will give you the option of business or creator account, click the creator account, and complete the update steps by accepting all terms and conditions.

Step 8: Go Back To Your Profile Section

Step 8 Go Back To Profile Page

Once done, go back to your profile section.

Step 9: Click The Hamburger Icon

Step 9 Click The Hamburger Icon

Again click the hamburger icon and it will give you more options.

Step 10: Look For Creators Tool

Step 10 Look For Creators Tool | See The Most Viewed Video Of A TikTok Creator

Among the options, look for the creators’ tool. If there is a creators tool option, that means your account is now a Pro account.

Now we have successfully converted your account to a Pro account, this means you can now access all the tools that are provided by TikTok to creators.

The next step is to find the analytics tool and understand how it can help you find data such as your most viewed videos and most liked videos, your ForYou page ratio, and more.

How To View TikTok Analytics

To find the analytics tool, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Open TikTok App

Step 1 Open TikTok App

Ope the tiktok app on your device. Login to your account if you haven’t already.

Step 2: Go To Profile Section

Step 2 Go To Profile Section

From the home screen of TikTok, click the profile icon on the bottom-right corner to go to the profile section.

Step 3: Click The Hamburger Icon

Step 3 Click The Hamburger Icon

On the profile page, look for the hamburger icon on the top-right corner of the screen and click it.

Step 4: Select Creators Tool

Step 4 Select Creators Tool | See The Most Viewed Video Of A TikTok Creator

It will give you more options, among them click the creator tools.

Step 5: Select Analytics

Step 5 Select Analytics | See The Most Viewed Video Of A TikTok Creator

The next page will list all the tools that are provided to you by TikTok, among them you will find the Analytics tool. Open Analytics to find more about the data of the account and its contents.

When you first open the TikTok analytics tool, you will be overwhelmed by all the lists and numbers accompanied by charts and graphs. But do not worry, you do not have to understand all of the things, just some specific topics are enough for starting.

The analytics tool is divided into four main sections i.e. overview, content, followers, and LIVE. So basically you have to first define what analytics you want to check.

For example, if you want to check the data for a video, you can go to the Content section. Do you want to check data for your followers’ increase? Go to the Followers section. This way it will be easy for you to have an insight into the data.

The following descriptions are provided for you to understand more about each section. And Click here to read a full guide to TikTok Analytics.

Overview Analytics

The overview analytics is the overview of your profile. It will give you the most sought-after data or important insights. You can also adjust the date range to find data for specific timelines only.

Content Analytics

This section will give you data about each of your content. You can select any video from here to get more info about it.

Followers Analytics

The Followers section of analytics helps to give you changes of the followers over time. You can also check if the followers are increasing and the growth rate of the increase. You can also check the geographical locations of your followers and other data like gender and ages.

LIVE Analytics

The LIVE analytics section helps you to understand the viewers of your live streams and the gifts received in each live session. It will also give you other data such as unique viewers and total time watched by viewers.

Here, if you want to find the most viewed videos of your account, you can go to the content section of the tool and see all the views of each content. You can write all the views with their title on a spreadsheet and sort them there. You will eventually find the most viewed video of your account without the use of any third-party app.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Some frequently asked questions related to the topic are taken from the internet. Follow these questions and their answers to understand more about TikTok.

How To Check TikTok Analytics?

To check TikTok analytics you can open the tool from the creator tools section of the TikTok app. It divides the data into several sections like content, followers, and LIVE. You can go to the section whose data you want to check.

How To See Who Viewed Your TikTok Video?

You cannot see who viewed your TikTok video. TikTok does not provide the data onto the identity of the user who views your videos but does provide the view count on each video. Along with view count, you can also check the like count and share count.

How To See How Many Views On TikTok?

To check how many views you got on a TikTok video, you can go to the analytics tool of TikTok and click the content button. Select the content whose data you want to see and it will show all the related data to it.


Therefore, to see the most viewed video of a TikTok creator, you have two options, either you have to make use of a third-party app or tool to sort out the videos of the creator with views or you can manually list out the video names and its views in a spreadsheet and sort it out manually on the spreadsheet.

If you want to see your own most viewed video then you have one more option. It is to make use of the analytics tool of TikTok and check for the video with the highest views.

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